Amarbayasgalant Monastery

Amarbayasgalant Monastery

Distance: 90 kilometers from Darkhan
Duration: 2-3 hours by road
Accommodation: Ger camps 
Activities: cultural tours and horseback riding, hiking and nature trips in the surrounding area


 This beautiful monastery ranks second in the hearts of many (behind Erdenezuu), in terms of wonderful Buddhist centers outside Ulaanbaatar. Constructed 360 kilometers north of Ulaanbaatar, the monastery was built from 1727-1736 by Undur Gegeen 
(Great Saint) Zanabazar, was a prominent religious leader, artist, and politician.
Astonishing in its beauty and design, the monastery’s main temple 
was completed without the use of a single nail. Incredibly, Amarbaysgalant 
escaped the fate of many other Buddhist monasteries during the political purges of the 1930s, surviving almost untouched. There is good local hiking and a ger camp seven kilometers from 
the monastery for those who want to stay nearby overnight.
